Take Up Your Bed and Walk!

What? I’m able to walk? I should be walking? This was news to me! I had been hobbling, rolling, crawling and hopping around for the last 6 weeks, but no walking. I had been doing everything BUT walking! Now, I can just walk?!

Hello Thirty Eight

I have been blessed to have found an outlet for the current of life, in my friendships. These women have adopted me into their hearts and named me their sister. They say the word so effortlessly and fill it with a grace that smooths out my broken edges and difficult ways. They have been the very sponges to polish my jarring weaknesses. They have been God’s hands to uphold me in the midst of trauma, loss, heartbreak, and pain.

Like Father, Like Daughter

Being an only child has its pluses and minuses. Plus: You learn to play on your own. Minus: You usually hate to share. Plus: You usually have your physical needs met. Minus: You can be (maybe a little šŸ¤£) spoiled/self centered. Plus: You have a strong sense of self. Minus: You can be stubborn/bossy. (And… Continue reading Like Father, Like Daughter

New Beginnings: Miracles In the Mundane

I was standing near her grave feeling a little awkward because he was standing there too.  Never could you have told me we would be in this position (on speaking terms, let alone at her grave).  I had come there a little early with a friend so I could have alone time to think about… Continue reading New Beginnings: Miracles In the Mundane

Home Sweet HomešŸ’•

This weekend I got the keys to my new house. I am still in awww. It does not seem real and I keep marveling at how FAST everything happened. My friend asked me last night what were my first steps of obedience that led to this gift? Thinking about it for a minute I shared… Continue reading Home Sweet HomešŸ’•

2 Versions of Every Story

So Iā€™m on Day 8 of the True Love Dates Challenge and I really appreciated todayā€™s lesson. Debra Fileta recommended writing out the 2 versions of our story in this stage of life. She encourages this b/c she wants you to see that there are always 2 perceptions we can have in life. The key… Continue reading 2 Versions of Every Story

My Perfect Life

Iā€™m sitting in one of my two favorite spots for ā€œme timeā€. The chair. The overstuffed, enlarged, papa san chair. Drinking the first round of hot tea with my warm fleece draped over my lap. Perfect. I look through the open doorway of my bedroom, to the living room. Clean. Everything is clean. Selah. Nothing… Continue reading My Perfect Life