What Is Your ‘Why’?

I want to record this truth on this little blog because I fall into the trap that we all do and forget. I forget the words of promises spoken over me so many years ago about my calling and purpose and destiny, and I let worry and fear and anxiety rule in my psyche. I believe the lies. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.

When Church Hurts

Do these leaders, donned in religious apparel, carrying these titles to oversee God’s people, intend to hurt us? I’d like to think that often, that is not their intent. I’d like to believe that more often than not they are simply leaning unto their own understanding and blinded to the deeper issues striving within them. Does that justify the hurt? No. But maybe it helps us to understand a little bit more, so that we can forgive.

Always Stay Ready

This week I had the amazing opportunity to have my first TV interview. WOW. I am still in awe! The way that everything came about was so divine, that only Elohim could have orchestrated it that perfect. It really goes all the way back to last year when I joined a class on forgiveness. I… Continue reading Always Stay Ready

The Comparison Trap

Isn’t it interesting how we human beings have this tendency to compare ourselves with those around us? I mean, sometimes we look at this celeb or this Hollywood star, or even (in keeping up with the trends I’ll say) Tik Tok Star, and go, awww…I can’t do what they do. Or, I don’t look like… Continue reading The Comparison Trap

A Tiny Christmas

This week I had the blessing of spending Christmas with my loved ones, which consisted of two of my sisters, one lovable dog, one cute cat, in one tiny house. Now, for some reason, your girl did not think that one through when she booked the Airbnb nearly six months ago. Why is it that… Continue reading A Tiny Christmas

We Were Made to Heal

This weekend I had the pleasure of being interviewed by a woman who I recently connected with (shout out to Sage Da Coach from Outside the Box!). She asked me what I had learned this year from God. I instantly knew, I learned that I need others. I have been so wired to be self-reliant and independent, and a lot of times I need to be, but I am learning that I don’t need to be all the time. There are times I simply will not be able to do things all on my own, and I will need help.

Why Are We Waiting?

During the celebration of love last week, as you can guess, my own love life became a topic of conversation more times than I cared to discuss. I understood this was going to be a given, and something I would just need to “bear through”, so I navigated the questions as best I could. “Are you dating? What are you looking for? You’re so attractive, why aren’t you seeing anyone?”, etc…etc… Even when the question wasn’t asked out loud, it loomed in their eyes as they pondered my single status in confusion.

Navigating Grief During the Holidays

I have other friends who do not have close families, and so we have been intentional to connect during these times, so that we have someone. For the last three Christmases, one of my besties and I have taken trips that have been phenomenal. There have been some sad moments of course, but the comfort of sharing these moments with someone who gets it, is invaluable. I understand that the road I am called to walk is definitely rocky, but there are several around me who are walking it with me, and that brings its own joy.

God is Concerned About You

Have you been there? Have you had an issue that you have been dealing with, but have not gone to God about it? Have you felt like, He has more major things to worry about in the world like this world wide pandemic, or other world affairs? The thing is, in my journey, I have numerous testimonies of God showing up for me, even in the smallest things. My friends do too! He has shown us time and time again that He is, “Intimately acquainted with all our ways” (Psalm 139:3) and that, “He cares for us” (1 Peter 5:7).