What Is Your ‘Why’?

I want to record this truth on this little blog because I fall into the trap that we all do and forget. I forget the words of promises spoken over me so many years ago about my calling and purpose and destiny, and I let worry and fear and anxiety rule in my psyche. I believe the lies. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.

We Are Not Grasshoppers

Have you ever felt like a grasshopper? Your circumstances, your calling, your unction in your gut, feels much bigger than anything you can possibly fathom? I know I have. And over and over I keep feeling the Holy Spirit show me that these people I esteem and am often intimidated by, are just “people with platforms”.

Getting Older

  People have been asking me what I’m planning for the big 3-4.  I honestly have no plans.  My emotions have been up and down (ok, mostly down) about the upcoming event and I don’t know how I will feel when it gets here.  Will I have a series of bursts of energy and strength… Continue reading Getting Older

Giant Slayer

I remember at the beginning of this very difficult season Holy Spirit said “fight!” and I responded “I don’t want to”.  I’m usually honest in my responses to Him because that’s what happens when you have a close relationship with someone.  And He already knows my heart anyway so there’s no reason to dabble in… Continue reading Giant Slayer

Breaking Strongholds

Sometimes things happen and we don’t understand why they are happening. Sometimes we just want the bad things to go away and for everything to be good again. I wanted everything to be good again. But that is not this life. Sometimes, many times, we need to FIGHT.  From day one of my faith journey I… Continue reading Breaking Strongholds