What Is Your ‘Why’?

I want to record this truth on this little blog because I fall into the trap that we all do and forget. I forget the words of promises spoken over me so many years ago about my calling and purpose and destiny, and I let worry and fear and anxiety rule in my psyche. I believe the lies. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.

A Purpose Driven Life

I finally realized one day that the question I kept asking, “What is my purpose?” was already answered. This happened when I found myself engaging within a community of people who were on a similar mission. Like minded, driven, young, passionate people, pursuing small business. Pursuing purpose. They were building something, creating something out of nothing, and transforming their communities in the process.

A Measure of Success

I had an amazing visit with a dear friend this past week. You may remember me discussing my ex roommate-turned friend-turned lifelong sister, Lianna. At one point, we were even co workers when God used her to send me my very first bookkeeping client! Talk about a divine connection! I thoroughly enjoyed her visit because… Continue reading A Measure of Success

Courtship Vs. Dating: A New Perspective

In my early 30s, a sudden shift happened in the dry season that had lasted over 10 years of my nonexistent dating life. My heart cried out to God and He heard me. I asked God to move and He did. The floodgates opened, and y’all, it was literally raining men 😂🌧💃🏾. This new experience of hearing God say “yes” (with boundaries) is so opposite of hearing Him say “no” for so long that the sudden onslaught of attention and interest still has not been the easiest to navigate. In fact, I’ve had plenty of pitfalls, tear-stained nights and burdensome conversations. That being said, I also have had SO MUCH FUN.

In Honor of Juneteenth. (Poem)

I am my ancestors’ wildest dream. I’m the writer for those who couldn’t read, The voice for those who couldn’t speak, I dance for justice and fight for peace, I am free. But only due to their bravery. The men and women who went before, And paved a road of liberty. Laced with sacrifice, and… Continue reading In Honor of Juneteenth. (Poem)

My Health & Fitness Journey (Thus Far)

My relationship with food has always been a focus. I remember going on my first diet at the tender age of 10 years old and the person who influenced me the most to do this was in my home. She was someone I looked up to and highly esteemed. I also remember being told I… Continue reading My Health & Fitness Journey (Thus Far)

Thoughts of An Introvert

I am sitting in my living room on an overstuffed cream chair with a cup of green tea and a book on grief. The crackle of the candle on the window sill is almost drowned out by the ocean wave sounds coming from my speaker. I can smell the scent of pumpkin roll coming from… Continue reading Thoughts of An Introvert

Thank You Tiffany

I’ve been pretty vocal about my feelings in this season of “recovery”.  I know the Father sees it as recovery though for me it has just felt sad.  Lots of negative emotions have been my experience (loneliness, broken heartedness, anxiety) and that was precisely why I ran as hard as I could away from the… Continue reading Thank You Tiffany