Faithful With the Small

I am in awe that my whole writing career started out with a blog. This blog. One blog that I only started because I was reading blogs. One blog that birthed out a blog post about heartbreak, which led to two more books about heartbreak, which led to me being a fiction writer, a host of podcast interviews and my very first TV interview! My God.

A Purpose Driven Life

I finally realized one day that the question I kept asking, “What is my purpose?” was already answered. This happened when I found myself engaging within a community of people who were on a similar mission. Like minded, driven, young, passionate people, pursuing small business. Pursuing purpose. They were building something, creating something out of nothing, and transforming their communities in the process.

The Art of Waiting

In that dialogue, one of the questions was, “Have you ever had to ‘wait on God’? If so, what are some practical tools you used that helped in your wait”? Whew! Ya’ll already know what it is with me! I feel like I been waiting on Jesus FOREVA to bring this man. (Where he at Jesus??) But aside from that, just in general, God has typically used waiting in my story. Even stuff I thought was a “suddenly” was more like a, “suddenly this appeared after I had been waiting all this time”! LOL.

We Are Not Grasshoppers

Have you ever felt like a grasshopper? Your circumstances, your calling, your unction in your gut, feels much bigger than anything you can possibly fathom? I know I have. And over and over I keep feeling the Holy Spirit show me that these people I esteem and am often intimidated by, are just “people with platforms”.

Jesus Started With Twelve

Last night I had my second speaking engagement and it went so well!  The whole process of me receiving this opportunity was so unexpected that I can’t help but see God’s hand in it.  While I was unemployed last year I worked filing individual tax returns during the tax season.  One day a client came… Continue reading Jesus Started With Twelve

Laying A Good Foundation

It’s interesting how often the foundation of a building gets overlooked.  One walks up to the second floor of a mall and doesn’t think “I sure hope this floor holds up underneath me”.  No, one more than likely thinks, “I sure hope my hubby doesn’t mind that I buy this Coach purse” :).  Often we… Continue reading Laying A Good Foundation

Tis’ Better to be Single…Right?

1 Corinthians 7:32 But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But he who is married cares about the things of the world, how he may please his wife. There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The… Continue reading Tis’ Better to be Single…Right?