Some Things Just Come Easy

I was listening to a podcast this morning that I’m really growing fond of. The host is a Christian single woman who’s found herself in her mid 30s with her life looking nothing like she thought it would. Sound familiar? Well this morning’s interview was with another woman who has a strong faith but got… Continue reading Some Things Just Come Easy

Rare Air

Last night I conversed with a woman who’s known me nearly 20 years.  You know you are really getting up there when your friendships last decades.  You know you are blessed as well… We have been running our spiritual race side by side since our early college days, where our competitive natures led us to… Continue reading Rare Air

Thoughts on Suffering

Today I got to spend the day with a woman who has been used greatly in my family.  Decades ago she became one of my grandmother’s very best friends.  When my grandmother passed away, she was there, standing in the gap.  She and my own mother grew closer and I knew she was like a… Continue reading Thoughts on Suffering

I Forgot to Worship

I was on the phone with a friend the other day and she shared about a conversation she had regarding her employment. One of the people she spoke with made a comment, “You should always work in a job you are passionate about”. This person worked in HR and probably believed she was giving wise… Continue reading I Forgot to Worship