Thoughts of a 31 Year Old

It’s 6am and I was lying in my bed pondering and reflecting. That seems to be a natural state of being for me and I’m really grateful that is the case. I think we human beings are always receiving messages throughout the day and have little to no clue that our brains/emotions are working overtime… Continue reading Thoughts of a 31 Year Old

Guest Post! Hope Gallon- Turning 32

Can I first preface this post by saying my friends are AWESOME?!  My good friend Hope Gallon and I have known each other for over 10 years.  We met in college and have been walking out this spiritual journey together since then.  She sent me the following article she wrote for her church and I… Continue reading Guest Post! Hope Gallon- Turning 32

Cast Your Cares Upon Him

Do you ever find yourself moseying along the course of life, feeling fine and doing “well”? Or maybe you’re not doing “well” but you’re doing “ok” and given your circumstances “ok” suffices as “well”. But then all of a sudden you look around and even though your circumstances were the same as they were when… Continue reading Cast Your Cares Upon Him

Just Roommates

I’ve heard it said that married couples can fall into a “lull”.  Sometimes the lull lasts for months… sometimes years.  Subtly the couple’s relationship becomes based more on the kids and the house and their jobs than on each other.  Their love for each other turns cold and they find themselves sitting across the table at dinner with only… Continue reading Just Roommates