Giants & Geniuses

One thing I realized about myself is that I enjoy watching documentaries. Specifically documentaries on people or music. Or. Even better. People in music, LOL. Ya’ll know I love stories and documentaries are a great way to learn someone’s story. Some people in these films are those whom I never heard of before, like Mary… Continue reading Giants & Geniuses

Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It (Series, Part 4)

How many Christians and church people are conducting their faith out of fear? I’m sure there are too many. What I learned through this experience, is that, just as scripture says, nothing can separate us from His love. After my healing, I learned to be more free in my faith, and I was released from feeling like I always needed to make the right choice.

Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It (Series, Part 3)

How many are walking around today who look perfectly normal? How many appear to have it all together when their internal world is falling apart? You would be surprised. Many are probably surprised at this post. I have shared in parts about my struggle with mental health issues before, but never to this degree. I hope that someone is encouraged that even though it can take a while, the pain does end.

Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It (Series, Part 2)

Of course, it was still going to be a while before I would see some real progress in my healing journey. My mind, at this point, felt like it was being eaten alive by rats and like they were gnawing at my brain. I so desperately wanted relief.

What tools are you using in fighting your experience with mental health? Do you have someone or people in your life to confide in with your battle?

Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It (Series, Part 1)

All of a sudden, I became afraid to make the next move. All of a sudden, I became afraid to make the wrong move. I had these thoughts in my mind that said, “What if I am outside of God’s will if I apply to this job? What if I am outside of the will of God if I apply to that job? What if, what if, what if…”Have you been there? Do you struggle with excessive, compulsive thoughts that have no rhyme, reason or even logic to them?