
Just an fyi, this is my first blog so please extend some grace.  I hope to post some great highlights and interesting phenomenon that occur in my everyday life…and hey if nothing happens I can always just make something up LOL.

Also if you’d like to email me please do so at: nicolemiller@overcomingheartbreak.net or follow me on twitter: @strgtower7/@OvrcmeHrtbrk.

You can also visit the How to Overcome Heartbreak Facebook page.  God Bless!


  1. Hi 🙂 I just discovered your blog via your guest post for True Love Dates and I plan on getting your book in the near future, when finances allow, and I mainly was prompted to send the details to a friend.

    I wondered if there is a way to get your blog posts delivered to my email address automatically? I ask because I don’t want to miss any and that is usually the best way to prevent me from forgetting to look! I’ll have a look at your Facebook page too 🙂

    I think, just from the title alone and your blogs, that this book will be one I buy and give away several times!! (I’m 50 and single and that tends to be one of the ways the Lord often uses me. He’s given me a particular burden for singles who don’t want to be single, and I have a list of singles I pray for 🙂 )

    So glad to find your blog. I know this was a God ordained leading today! 🙂

    God bless you in your walk and everything you do, to His glory!

    Nicole Hardy

    1. Hi Nicole! Great name by the way 🙂 I’m so encouraged by your message and I’m so blessed to have connected with you! Thanks for reaching out to me! I would love to send you a FREE copy of your book! I will contact you on FB or email to get your address 🙂 Thanks sooo much for visiting and sharing with others! May God continue encouraging you, refining you, and revealing your true eternal self in the earth! Blessings!!!

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