Walking By Faith

I submitted two job applications this morning and that made me feel productive. At least I can say I’m trying. The interview I had Monday went really well. I felt the Lord was encouraging me that He is with me, regardless of the outcome. I’m still waiting to hear from the job I have been… Continue reading Walking By Faith

The Last Few Days

These last few days I have been OVERWHELMED with people and their love. I know Christ is the One who gives good gifts and these people in my life are that good gift. In spite of my history of unhealthy relationships, drama and brokeness He flooded my life with love. My experience on this journey… Continue reading The Last Few Days

Are We There Yet? (Guest Writer Hope Gallon)

I thought I would share some thoughts on the front lines of this thing called life.  A challenge that I’m continually faced with is learning patience. I have been in graduate school for the past three years studying the art of counseling.  It has seemed like an eternity although those around me have said the… Continue reading Are We There Yet? (Guest Writer Hope Gallon)

Being Made

I was listening to a podcast this afternoon that really resonated with me. It talked about young women always having a crush and always wanting to be in a relationship. Story of my life. It seems there was always a man either in my life or in my heart. I remember in my mid 20s… Continue reading Being Made

When Dreams Change

10 years ago I was a college grad who wanted to travel the world, spread the gospel and when I was “old” (around age 40), I would settle down, marry and have kids. I thought I had it all figured out. Before then I was caught up with my boo. I was all about him… Continue reading When Dreams Change