When Your Job is Downstairs

 I sat across from them in their living room, cup of tea in hand, and spilled out my story. I told them I had been laid off 5 months prior and although I had a seasonal job, I had yet to lock in longterm employment.  I told them that even though the company I worked for had struggled for 3 years, I didn’t see the layoff coming. But even though it was unexpected, it was still a blessing. I shared all the stuff I had not wanted to share with them because I didnt want them to worry. They were my landlords and I wanted them to be secure in receiving rent. But now I had to come clean because my savings was dwindling, I had no job prospects and the tax season was coming to an end. I had a little over a month and my lease would end. I wanted to let them know I wouldn’t be renewing if nothing changed.

So I sat there with this couple who has been in my life these 4 years. They came to my book release party, purchased multiple books, came to my end of the year gathering and supported many of my endevors. It didn’t dawn on me I had made it into their hearts. It didn’t dawn on me they deeply cared for me.

But when I shared about my unemployment their care became quickly evident. The wife shared about her own recent layoff and the husband, well, he offerred me a job. He explained he’d been looking for an assistant, someone to help him get his books in order and my skill set qualified me for the position.

So while it took courage for me to have that conversation and I was battling fear on my way to have it, it was proven to me that once again fear is the lie.

I met with him and we laid out our resumes. Who did I have before me? I marveled at his accomplishments. You never know who’s in your circle of connections.

The very thing I had been waiting on this whole time was right in front of me. But I had to change to see it. The process I’ve been in these 5 months has been so necessary to go through. There were so many toxic and unhealthy mindets I needed to be purged from. A very large toxin was fear. Even now I still practice overcoming it, but the greatest deliverance has already taken place.

The thing about fear is it seems so real. But its not. God is real. And love is real. And if you’re bold enough to push through the fear you just may find your blessing is right downstairs.


By Nicole D. Miller

Nicole D. Miller is an author and heartfelt writer, as expressed on her blog Better Than Wine. Her books are published at nicoledmiller.com and on Amazon. She loves all things “old school” hip-hop and R&B, along with any outfit that involves cute boots and thick scarves. She even manages to run her own bookkeeping business (www.abnbookkeepingllc.com) when she’s not cuddling her cute cat she fondly calls, “Squeaks”.


  1. It is amazing how our steps are guided: you were guided to live in that particular place, guided into friendship with this couple, and now employment has fallen into place due to your relationship with them and the skills you learned in the past! And along the way your Father has used circumstances to draw you out of fear and into abundance! CONGRATS!

  2. God is SO good. Just wow, Nicole! I love witnessing how God is just showing up and showing out in your life. What an answer to a prayer?!

  3. wow!!!! while we are trying to make plans, God has already provided. I don’t know if you plan on making this happen but it touched my heart in a special way that makes me know that God is in it even when we don’t know how He plans to make us – his children happy anyhow!!!! I heard just yesterday when listening to Bishop T. D. Jakes that I told you it would not be easy but Push for your promise as God will be with you. Hold on to your faith. Don’t let the situation before you deter you from your destiny -the Promise of God. Are you homeless, no you are not because you are with God, not without Him!!!! What a confirmation – another confirmation to me!!!! And many others – prayer warrirors!!!!

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