What I Like About Fall

Tis a new season!  The long awaited breeze of Fall is here.  The sky is overcast and surprisingly I couldn’t be happier.  To celebrate this new, yet familiar season I am eagerly sporting my colored tights, boots and layers of shirts, scarf and jacket.  For most of my life I only saw the beauty in Summer.  To bake in the brilliant rays of sunshine while over indulging in a soothing car nap was my very own idea of heaven.  Spring was great because that meant celebrating my birthday as well as welcoming in the Summer.  Yet the last few years Fall has really grown on me.  This year I can even say I awaited its arrival; wanting the 80 degree weather to give way to a slightly cool air ideal for an evening stroll. 

And now my waiting is over :-). 

Fall came in perfectly as the first day (yesterday) had a temperature in the low 60’s which of course felt more like 50 to us Clevelanders who have been baking this last month.  I’ve already had 3 cups of tea so far today and will probably enjoy another (don’t judge me).  My coworker and I made our daily walk outside to stretch our legs and breath in the air.  We were both a little startled by the chill, however my body adjusted quickly as we walked a little more briskly. I have already had my first pumpkin treat and am looking forward to more over the next few months.  I have even given in and joined the well talked about Pinterest and have started a board titled “Fall Fits”.  That makes four social media sites that have sucked me in to their ploys to become a vital component of my life!  Take my advice, the only way to successfully make your way out of their grasp is to never get started!  I’m still holding out on Instagram though…

To me Fall means comfort.  It means tea, my down comforter, cute layers of scarves, tights, boots, hats and jackets.  It means resting in my Papa San chair and reading a good book or watching my favorite show on my Mac.  It means chili, lattes and soup.  It means going for a run and letting my body warm itself from my blood pumping hard as I will myself to the finish line.  It means colors.  Lots and lots of colors.  Colors in the leaves in the trees, as well as colors in the wardrobes of fashionable women.  

What about you?  What does Fall mean to you?  What is your favorite season and why?

My trusty fall scarf…


By Nicole D. Miller

Nicole D. Miller is an author and heartfelt writer, as expressed on her blog Better Than Wine. Her books are published at nicoledmiller.com and on Amazon. She loves all things “old school” hip-hop and R&B, along with any outfit that involves cute boots and thick scarves. She even manages to run her own bookkeeping business (www.abnbookkeepingllc.com) when she’s not cuddling her cute cat she fondly calls, “Squeaks”.


  1. #werk that hair! hehe Beautiful 🙂

    Fall, the season of some of the most beautiful colors, fragrances, cuddles and pies. Fall means that I am about to turn one year older. It is a season of reflection for me.

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